Monday, December 8, 2008

Ken Brown

Cindy Cliff and husband

Picture CD

If you are having trouble opening the reunion pictures, try to download this file.

Hopefully this will help.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Great Reunion

We had a great 30-year class reunion. There were approximately 140 people in attendance. It appeared that everyone enjoyed themselves.

Remember, you can get a CD with photos taken by classmate and photographer Bob Oden for $20. Order by e-mailing me at The CD will be mailed to you.

I will try to post some photos online.
If anyone has pictures, I would love to see them.

Thanks everyone for everything.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hotel Accommodations

Terry (Kent) Rond did some research regarding accommodations.

As most of you are aware, October in Napa Valley is high tourist season. Reservations should be made now. Most hotels allow you to cancel 48 hrs. in advance if necessary with no fees.Here are a few recommendations for accommodations for those of you coming in from out of town: approx. $320 approx. $360 * approx. $329 * approx. $135 (American Canyon)

*free shuttle available to Marriott (must make arrangements ahead of time.

Monday, August 4, 2008

'78 Trivia

What was the final score for the Varsity Football Big Game?